Text & media

Breakups, separation and divorce destabilise us and wreak havoc on our nervous system and ability to perform even the simplest tasks.  

This course will support your mental and emotional wellbeing so you can get up, take care of your kids, go to work and get ready to heal your heart during a separation or divorce.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Welcome & Getting Started

    • Getting Started Guide

  • 2

    Frequently Asked Questions

    • How Will Get Divorce Fit Help Me?

    • What Happens In Divorce Coaching?

    • Can You Transform Stress

  • 3

    The BIG Divorce Myth That No One Is Talking About

    • Let's Talk About Choice

    • Let's Talk About Choice - GDF01

  • 4

    My Emotions Are Going Wild and I Don't Like It

    • Let's Talk Emotional Stress

    • The Impact of Stress - GDF02

  • 5

    How to Transform Stress The Easy Way

    • Transform Stress With Your Breathing

    • Immune Boosting Breathing

    • Immune Boosting Breathing PDF - DF03

  • 6

    Make Yourself The PRIORITY!

    • Nutrition Boost

    • Immune Boosting Nutrition - GDF04

    • Shopping List

  • 7

    Getting Over Divorce Grief

    • Moving Through Grief

    • Moving Through The Grief Cycle

  • 8

    Do You Want Emotional Freedom?

    • Finding Emotional Freedom

    • Emotional Freedom Acknowledgement Exercise - GDF06

  • 9

    What Pushes Your Buttons?

    • Know Your Triggers

    • Know Your Triggers - GDF07

  • 10

    Lets' Talk Communication

    • How To Communicate With Your Ex

    • Communicating With Your Ex When You Have Children

    • Communicate With Your Ex - GDF08

    • Angry or abusive person - GDF08

  • 11

    The Importance of Healthy Boundaries

    • Let's Talk Healthy Boundaries

    • Setting Healthy Boundaries - GDF09

  • 12

    How Best To Support Your Children

    • Supporting Your Children

    • How to Co-Parent Your Children

    • Co-Parenting Through Separation Guide - By Resolution The Family Law Governing Body

  • 13

    Getting The Right Support

    • Getting The Right Support

    • Getting The Right Support - GDF11

  • 14

    Let's Recap

    • Let's Recap On Our Journey Together

    • What Now?